945 avenue Beaumont, suite 101
Montréal, Qc H3N 1W3
The following is to provide you with the necessary information regarding Bill 25, aimed at the protection of personal information.
Your orthodontist will obtain your personal information, including your last name, first name, telephone number, mailing address, e-mail address, in the medical questionnaire you complete for your first visit to our office or by telephone when you make your consultation appointment. We collect only the information required for possible treatment.
Your file is kept confidential and secure as required by Bill 25 on the protection of personal information. It is used solely for the purposes of service and medical care.
To enable us to provide you with the services and care you need, your personal information and dental X-rays may be shared, when necessary and only if you sign the consent form. It will be transmitted through a secure system to the following professionals, if applicable: dentist, periodontist, prosthodontist, endodontist, maxillofacial surgeon, pedodontist, speech therapist, oral physician, oral pathologist, radiologist, family physician and insurers.
Your personal information is retained for as long as you are a patient of our clinic. If you cease to be a patient, in accordance with Section 22 of the Act, your personal information may not be destroyed for 5 years following the date of the last entry in or insertion into your file. If you subsequently wish us to destroy your file, we will do so in a secure manner.
Anne-Marie Phaneuf
Customer Privacy Officer