Special attention should be paid to how certain foods are eaten
While most foods are fine, it’s how they’re eaten that you’ll need to pay attention to in order to avoid problems with your braces:
- Any food that becomes soft when cooked, such as carrots, potatoes, chicken and beef, can be eaten normally. For meat, be sure to eat it in small pieces, since big dense pieces can push on and displace wires. Also watch out for chicken and beef bones, since they can easily dislodge the braces.
- Raw vegetables, like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and celery, should all be cut into small 5-mm-thick slices or sticks. Celery threads won't get stuck in your appliances if the celery is cut into thin slices.
- Regular potato chips can be eaten normally but hard or crispy chips should be broken up into small pieces.
Once in your mouth, allow the saliva to soften them before chewing.
- Let cereal soften in milk before you eat it.