945 avenue Beaumont, suite 101
Montréal, Qc H3N 1W3
The first step in becoming an orthodontist, or orthodontic specialist, is to obtain a Doctorate in Dental Medicine, which involves four to five years of study. Before candidates can be accepted into orthodontics, they must first practice as a dentist for a minimum of one year, in either private practice or a hospital environment. They then need to take two to three years to complete a specialty program in orthodontics and then pass an exam from the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. Only those who have successfully done this can then use the title “Orthodontist.” The terms “Comprehensive Orthodontic Services” or “Orthodontics” do not necessarily mean that you are being treated by an orthodontist. They must use the titles “Orthodontist” or “Specialist in Orthodontics.”.