Popcorn is very damaging to orthodontic appliances. If you really cannot resist eating it, take only fully popped pieces and carefully crush them between your teeth without fully biting down. Unpopped or undercooked pieces are much too hard to eat and should be avoided.
Hard candies will unglue braces and sticky candies can bend or dislodge the wires. For hard, soft or sticky candies, let them melt in your mouth (which is even better, since it lasts longer). For hard chocolate, break it into small pieces and, again, let them melt in your mouth. Don’t forget to brush your teeth afterward. Soft chocolate such as Aero bars can be eaten normally, but be careful that they don’t contain almonds or other nuts. Avoid candies such as caramels or jujubes.
It is not recommended to eat corn on the cob. It’s best to remove the corn with a knife.